It’s important to warm up your body before any physical activity. Warming up for about 5-10 minutes goes a long way toward preparing the body for exercising, both physically and mentally. It also helps prevent injuries.

Recommended warm up and stretch for 3 & 4 Years:

Brisk walk (light jog) to the end of the running track.
Marching in place, dancing, arm swings and circles, star jumps
Then light stretches from upper body to lower body holding stretches for 12 – 20 seconds

Recommended warm up and stretch for 5 & 6 Years:
Light run to the end of the 100 metre running track and back to the assembly area.
Marching in place, star jumps, arm swings and circles.
Then light stretches from upper body to lower body holding stretches for 15 – 25 seconds